
Introductory Consultation
1-hour zoom session to discuss
your health goals and personal development.

By application only. Click here to apply.
*Required for all new clients

Health Optimization Module
Personalized supplementation, nutritional, and exercise recommendations to help you meet your health and wellness goals; example modules include optimizing energy levels, gut health, cognition, fat loss, muscle gain, libido, and sleep

Virtual Session Bundle
3 hours of phone/zoom calls (can be broken into three 1hr sessions, six 30min sessions, or a combination of the two); does not include the intro consult.

Diet Planning
Customized diet plan and food/macro
tracker; includes two 30min check-ins
and access to a personalized, easy to
use proprietary food and weight tracking software

Scientific Literacy Training
Four, 1-hour sessions where we do a deep dive on scientific literature relating to a topic of your choosing; learn how to assess data quality, scrutinize authors’ claims, and effectively and efficiently read scientific literature

Diet Tracker
Receive lifetime access to my proprietary diet tracking tool (platform: Google Sheets) that will allow you to easily track your food and reach your physique goals. Intended for individuals who don’t require my guidance or input.
if you want me to set your daily calorie benchmark and macronutrient ratios to best suit your goals.

Exercise Programming
Customized 6-week exercise program
tailored to your schedule and goals;
includes both resistance and aerobic
exercise programming and software to track your progress.
Gym membership or home gym recommended but not required.
$450/6-week program

One-on-One Mentorship

  • By application only ; email to request the application
  • Access to me via text from 12pm-5pm, Monday-Friday
  • 1-hour weekly zoom meetings to help you optimize your health and lifestyle, increase your scientific literacy, and/or become more informed to better serve your own clients
  • 25% off any of the services listed above

Group Mentorship

  • A more affordable option for small groups (3-6 individuals) looking to grow their businesses in the health space by increasing their scientific literacy and improving their understanding of health at both the holistic and mechanistic levels
  • Same perks as offered in the one-on-one mentorship program, outlined above
    $1,000/month (per person)

No refunds; email me at if you need to reschedule

Cancellations: at least 24hrs before the scheduled call